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INTRATHECAL PUMP REFILLS / IMPLANTATION (ITP) Pumps & Stimulators Implants Spinal cord stimulation therapy and peripheral nerve field stimulation are related types of electrical stimulation that treat chronic pain. Mild electrical pulses are directed to disrupt pain messages to the brain, reducing the feeling of pain. Spinal cord stimulation is used most often after nonsurgical pain treatment options have failed to provide sufficient relief. Spinal cord stimulators may be used to treat or manage different...

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INTERLAMINAR EPIDURAL STEROID INJECTION Epidural Injections Injection of an anesthetic substance into the epidural space of the spinal cord. The injection may consist of steroids that intercept the production of painful inflammatory substances and/or a lidocaine or saline solution to help get rid of inflammatory proteins around the affected area. This is a common nonsurgical treatment option to alleviate pain caused by lumbar disc herniation, degenerative disc disease and lumbar spinal stenosis. The pain-killing...

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INTERCOSTAL NERVE BLOCK Nerve Blocks & Injections Nerves in the body called a plexus or ganglions, can cause pain. This pain can be “turned off” by using a specific type of injection that blocks the pain signals from reaching the brain and this is known as a nerve block. Nerve block injections are very common and are used to treat chronic pain when medications or other treatments prove to be ineffective or cause negative side effects. They allow for a damaged nerve proper time to heal, provide temporary pain...

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ILIOINGUINAL AND ILIOHYPOGASTRIC NERVE BLOCK Nerve Blocks & Injections Nerves in the body called a plexus or ganglions, can cause pain. This pain can be “turned off” by using a specific type of injection that blocks the pain signals from reaching the brain and this is known as a nerve block. Nerve block injections are very common and are used to treat chronic pain when medications or other treatments prove to be ineffective or cause negative side effects. They allow for a damaged nerve proper time to heal,...

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HIP JOINT INJECTION / ABLATION Joint Injections A joint injection is an outpatient procedure that is used to treat inflamed joints. The injection can be used to treat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, tendinitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and osteoarthritis. During the procedure, the patient will lie on the procedure table while an assistant sterilizes that area where the injection will be. The area will then be numbed with a local anesthesia or cold spray. The physician...

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